Management part-time
Would you like to further develop yourself alongside your job with a business management program where you can choose semesters that best fit your career? Then this flexible associate degree is for you! Are you eager to enhance your knowledge in areas such as organizational management, process management, project management, contribute to innovation in your organization, apply your personal leadership, and actively participate in change processes? With the Associate Degree (Ad) in Management, you'll immediately apply the knowledge you gain to projects and assignments in your current workplace.
Developments in the business world and (semi-)government are progressing at a rapid pace. Due to the crisis and budget cuts, the trend of "doing more with less" has become common: cuts in personnel, more efficient work processes, and increased focus on the customer are some of the outcomes. As a business manager, your role at work is also evolving. You will become more independent, able to form opinions on complex issues at work and make decisions, and increasingly lead projects and processes yourself.
The Ad Management prepares you to navigate and anticipate these developments. The focus is on developing your own leadership within processes and projects. This 2-year bachelor's level program, where you receive intensive guidance from a personal coach, is geared towards all aspects related to your workplace and improving and innovating processes within organizations.