Logistics Management part-time
Ready to tackle the complex logistics processes in your company? During the 2-year part-time Logistics Management program, you'll work on sustainable solutions.
You are intrigued by the logistics processes in your work and want to deepen your knowledge. Perhaps you seek tools to improve current processes within your organization or wish to advance within the company to contribute more significantly. The part-time Logistics Management program prepares you for that next step. In fact, during the program, you'll start working on real issues right away! Your instructors and classmates will collaborate with you on current challenges within your organization. Together, you'll navigate through complex structures in search of tomorrow's solutions.
After completing the Associate degree, you can seamlessly continue your studies with the Bachelor in Logistics Management, which you can achieve within 2 years after obtaining your Ad diploma.
Part-time Bachelor’s Program in Logistics Management - Hogeschool Rotterdam