Engineering part-time
Do you want to further develop yourself into a technical professional at a higher education level and specialize in the early stages of the Product Life Cycle?
Do you work at a technical and operational level in an industrial company and want to advance your career? Then this program is right for you. The goal of the two-year part-time Associate degree program in Engineering is to specialize in the early stages of the Product Life Cycle. This includes researching, designing, and producing machines and installations.
In addition to the program, you will work at least 24 hours per week in a role relevant to your studies. At the start of the program, agreements will be made with your employer. They must enable you to further develop your competencies during your work. You will also carry out projects and your final assignment at your workplace.
"Identify problems, break them down, and solve them."
Part-time Associate degree program in Engineering - Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences