Chemical Engineering part-time 

A chemical technologist is primarily involved in designing and scaling up chemical production processes. They are also heavily engaged in the development of new materials and products.

Measuring and controlling installations is an important aspect of the role. The Chemical Technology program focuses mainly on process technology. A process technologist is particularly concerned with designing and scaling up production processes, but improving and optimizing existing processes is also a key area of focus. Chemical technologists are involved in every stage of a well-functioning production process: you’ll find them in the design phase, the startup phase, the scaling-up phase, and the operational phase of large-scale (chemical) production processes, whether behind a desk, at a computer, or in the factory.

During the part-time program, you will carry out assignments for the program at your own workplace. The graduation project will also take place within your own company. After enrolling in the program, you will have an intake interview, during which the relevance of your job, your work experience, and any courses you have taken will be discussed.

The program is offered by the Rotterdam Mainport Institute, a collaboration between Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences and STC Group.

Part-time Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical Technology - Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences.

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