Master Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics

The MSc programme in Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics (TIL) is a two-year comprehensive programme that provides graduates with a comprehensive view of the field of transport, infrastructure and logistics.  TIL graduates have up-to-date knowledge of

  • transport policy making and spatial planning

  • design of transport systems, supply chains and infrastructure networks

  • the operation, management and control of these systems.

They know how to design new road, rail, air and water transportation services for passengers and/or freight; to efficiently manage transportation networks; and to design and control complex supply chains. These skills are invaluable for the design, development and maintenance of cost-effective, efficient systems for moving passengers and freight. TIL graduates are able to make appropriate decisions for clients, employers and society, because they understand the complex decision-making processes during infrastructure development and planning.

MSc Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics (

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